Iratha's Finery
10% to maximum poison resist
10% to maximum cold resist
10% to maximum lightning resist
10% to maximum fire resist
All Resitances +20%
+15 Dexterity
Iratha's Cord
Heavy Belt
Defense: 31
Durablity: 36
Required: Level: 15; Strength: 45
+25 Defense
+5 to minimum damage
Iratha's Coil
Defense: 26-44
Durablity: 100
Required: Level: 15; Strength: 55
Lightning resist 30%
Fire resist 30%
Iratha's Cuff
Light Gauntlets
Defense: 9-10
Durablity: 36
Required: Level: 15; Strength: 45
Half time freeze duration
Cold resist 30%
Iratha's Collar
Required: Level: 15
Poison lenght reduced by 75%
Poison resist 30%